商品概要ロケーション:インテーク、 エキゾーストU.S.A.製:素材:チタンモデル:X2パッケージング:1個専用設計:スタイル:純正補修パーツタイプ:エンジンバルブLOCATION:Intake, ExhaustMADE IN THE U.S.A.:YesMATERIAL:TitaniumMODEL:X2PACKAGING:Ea.SPECIFIC APPLICATION:YesSTYLE:OEM ReplacementTYPE:Engine Valve詳細説明・X2 steel valves are a direct descendant of the Xceldyne full race titanium valves・Increased flow over stock valves・Optimized for weight reduction・Specialized high-performance steel alloys specific to the intake and exhaust valve・Oversized kits available・Designed to work with X2 or Xceldyne premium full race components・Designed specifically for the off-road enthusiast・Available as single units or in various kit forms including the valves, springs, retainers, locators and locks注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。適合車種CRF450R 2002 - 2006 CRF450R 2002 - 2006 CRF450X 2005 - 2006 CRF450X 2005 - 2006 TRX450 Foreman 2006 - 2012 TRX450 Foreman 2006 - 2012 商品番号X2VMK13000