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S&S CYCLE エスアンドエス サイクル カム 557CHN 07-17 TC[0925-1158]

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商品概要DRIVE:ChainEXHAUST CLOSE:12.4EXHAUST DURATION:231EXHAUST LIFT:.557EXHAUST OPEN:38.8INTAKE CLOSE:26.5INTAKE DURATION:212INTAKE LIFT:.557INTAKE OPEN:6MADE IN THE U.S.A.:YesMODEL:557 SeriesPACKAGING:PairSPECIFIC APPLICATION:YesSTYLE:Performance ReplacementTYPE:Cam Kit詳細説明・High-power cam for modified engines,increase compression,high-lift springs,adjustable pushrods and large bore throttle body required・For best results requires ported heads,low restriction intake/exhaust・rpm range 4000-6500640 SERIES GRIND CAMS・A hydraulic press and other professional-level tools are required to install these kits・S&S recommends that adjustable pushrod/cover kit PART #0928-0017 be used・Kits include cams,inner gears,outer drive gears,inner and outer bearings,gasket and instructions・Reverses the rear cams direction of rotation,providing additional operating clearance between cam lobes;as a result,higher cam lifts are possible with the gear drive kit・Cam bearings and gaskets must be replaced when installing new cams・Made in the U.S.A.・Made in the U.S.A.・Cams for 06 Dyna and 07-16 Twin Cam are for use with models with hydraulic tensioner chain-drive system;cams 510C and 551C are bolt-in applications,all others require high-lift valve springs・Cams are also available with inner gears only;intended for cam replacement for motors that have already been converted to an S&S gear-drive system・For 95/96/103/110 cubic-inch engines・High-lift springs and adjustable pushrods required・Camshaft gear drive kits increase valve timing accuracy by eliminating timing chain lash and loosely-fit stock chain drive・Compression ratios from 10.5:1 to 11.5:1・Strongest from 3000-6000 rpm・Cams for 00-06 Twin Cam are for use with stock splined drive gears;for installation on 99 Twin Cam motors you must purchase splined outer drive sprocket;S&S recommends that Andrews 4340 steel drive sprocket PART #DS-199175 be used・Material must be removed from the inner surface of the stock gear cover to install S&S gear drive camsHP103 SERIES GRIND CAMS・Use with stock heads (up to 10.2 compression) and low restriction intake and exhaust・Bolt-in cam for 103and 106Big Bore Twin Cam motors・Great for lighter bikes with strong power from 3500-6000 rpmMR103 CAMS・Use with stock heads and low restriction intake and exhaust・Broad torque curve improves output over stock over the entire rpm range・Bolt-in cam for 103Twin Cam motors475 SERIES GRIND CAMS (OES)・Bolt-in cam with stock cam timing・Does not require tuning・Original equipment specifications509 SERIES GRIND CAMS・Strongest from 1000-4500 rpm・Lower lift allows them to be bolted into stock 96-10606 engines with stock valve springs・Bolt-in cams for 88 CID engines with stock compression ration・180 psi cranking compression;no need for compression releases・Great low and mid-range torque510 SERIES GRIND CAMS・Stock pushrods and valve springs acceptable・Strongest from 3000-5000 rpm・510G/510C cams are designed as bolt-in cam for 88,95,96and 103engines with compression ratios below 9.7:1551 SERIES GRIND CAMS・Designed as bolt-in cam for touring bikes with compression ratio between 9:1 and 9:9・Strongest from 1000-4000 rpm・More power across the rpm range,with improved low and midrange torque・99-04 models require high lift springs・Can be used with stock pushrods,springs and lifters557 EZ CAMS・Designed for Tri-Glides and other heavy bikes needing good bottom and mid-range performance・Bolt-in design570 SERIES GRIND CAMS・570G/570C chain drive cams are for 88/96/103 cubic-inch engines with compression ratios between 9:1 and 10:1・99-04 models require high-lift springs・Strongest from 3200-3700 rpm583 SERIES GRIND CAMS・99-04 models require high lift springs・Strongest from 1500-5000 rpm・Provides st...注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※Kits require high-performance valve springs (except 509G and 510G) when installed in 99-04 models.※Installer must check coil bind, valve-to-valve clearance and valve-to-piston clearance.※Due to the inherent characteristics of gear drives, you may experience more valve train noise.※Installer must check coil bind, valve-to-valve clearance and valve-to-piston clearance.※Exempt per Carb Executive Order (E.O.) D-355-14適合車種Blackline - FXS 2011 - 2013 Blackline - FXS 2011 - 2013 Breakout (EFI) FXSB 2013 - 2017 Breakout (EFI) FXSB 2013 - 2017 Cross Bones (EFI) - FLSTSB 2008 - 2011 Cross Bones (EFI) - FLSTSB 2008 - 2011 Deluxe (EFI) - FLSTN 2007 - 2017 Deluxe (EFI) - FLSTN 2007 - 2017 Deuce (EFI) - FXSTD 2007 Deuce (EFI) - FXSTD 2007 Dyna Fat Bob (EFI) - FXDF 2008 - 2017 Dyna Fat Bob (EFI) - FXDF 2008 - 2017 Dyna Low Rider (EFI) - FXDL Dyna Low Rider (EFI) - FXDL 年式: 07-09  Dyna Low Rider (EFI) - FXDL 年式: 14 Dyna Low Rider (EFI) -FXDL 2015 - 2017 Dyna Low Rider (EFI) -FXDL 2015 - 2017 Dyna Low Rider Sport - FXDLS 2016 - 2017 Dyna Low Rider Sport - FXDLS 2016 - 2017 Dyna Low Rider-Injected - FXDL-I 2006 Dyna Low Rider-Injected - FXDL-I 2006 Dyna Street Bob (EFI) - FXDB 2007 - 2017 Dyna Street Bob (EFI) - FXDB 2007 - 2017 Dyna Street Bob - FXDB-I 2006 Dyna Street Bob - FXDB-I 2006 Dyna Super Glide (EFI) - FXD 2007 - 2010 Dyna Super Glide (EFI) - FXD 2007 - 2010 Dyna Super Glide Custom (EFI) - FXDC 2007 - 2014 Dyna Super Glide Custom (EFI) - FXDC 2007 - 2014 Dyna Super Glide Custom Injected - FXDC I 2006 Dyna Super Glide Custom Injected - FXDC I 2006 Dyna Super Glide Injected - FXD I 2006 Dyna Super Glide Injected - FXD I 2006 Dyna Super Glide-Injected - FXD-I 2006 Dyna Super Glide-Injected - FXD-I 2006 Dyna Switchback - FLD 2012 - 2016 Dyna Switchback - FLD 2012 - 2016 Dyna Wide Glide (EFI) - FXDWG 2007 - 2008 Dyna Wide Glide (EFI) - FXDWG 2007 - 2008 Dyna Wide Glide (EFI) - FXDWG 2010 - 2017 Dyna Wide Glide (EFI) - FXDWG 2010 - 2017 Dyna Wide Glide-Injected - FXDWG-I 2006 Dyna Wide Glide-Injected - FXDWG-I 2006 Electra Glide Classic (EFI) - FLHTC 2007 - 2013 Electra Glide Classic (EFI) - FLHTC 2007 - 2013 Electra Glide Standard (EFI) - FLHT 2007 - 2009 Electra Glide Standard (EFI) - FLHT 2007 - 2009 ...商品番号330-0105

残り 1 43238円

(432 ポイント還元!)

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お届け日: 2025.03.06〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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