商品説明ヨーロッパの旅行中に購入した作品集です。表紙の部分に傷破れ等ございますが、中身はきれいです。大きなものなので読み応えも飾りとしても満足していただけると思います。横25cm縦35cm全210ページDal!, like the Renaissance artists, refused to be restricted to one unique form of expression: to that of painting. He wished to go beyond that point by making new discoveries; by trying out new means of expression; one of which being the creation through the combination of precious stones and noble metals. Dal!s jewellery designs span almost thirty years until the 1960s. Thirty-seven of the jewels were produced in the New York workshop owned by Goldsmiths Alemany and Ertman. Dal! himself would choose the most appropriate precious stones, not only for their colour and quality but also, for their suitability in order to transmit a certain connotation or a specific atmosphere. Dal!nian symbolism is ever present in one way or another in all of his jewels: the soft watch, the telephone, the mouth and the subject of war among others. Dal!: Jewels presents the jewels from the Gala-Salvador Dal! Foundation. It features essays on Dal! and his work, as well as concept sketches produced by him before th発送は、入金確認後土日をはさまず3日以内に発送します。発送時のサイズ、重さは作品を保護するための梱包をしますので、明記したものと異なりますがご了承ください。