商品説明ブルガリアのメーカーMojo Gear Fx Stratosphere Sing&Driveダンブル系ということで興味があり個人輸入で購入しました片側はアンプエミュレートっぽくもう片側はブルースブレイカー系(KOTのシングルチャンネル版)かな?と個人的な印象を受けましたメーカー説明ではSing channelはダンブルSSSを意識してるようです。あくまで中古品ということをご理解ください神経質な方、新品同様な物がご希望の方は入札しないで下さいなお、入札にあたり以下のことをお守りいただけない場合は取り引きを中止させていただきます。オークション終了より24時間以内のお支払い商品到着後12時間以内に受け取り連絡受け取りまでに数日かからないこと(以前発送してから出張に出たとかで受け取りまでに10日程度かかったことがあり非常に迷惑でした)マイナス評価の内容によっては入札を取り消しさせていただきます。以上のことをお守りいただきノークレームノーリターンでお願いします。なお、発送はヤマト運輸での発送になり梱包資材は環境を考えリサイクル品を使うこともあります英文ですが説明を記しておきますStratosphere Sing&Drive has two channels- one is booster (Sing channel) witch gives you a Dumble SSS tone, the other one is overdrive(Drive channel). Every channel can work independently, or both channels can work together. Now comes the cool part! You can switch the positions of both channels only by the flick of one switch which gives you the order you want.For instance, you can put the Drive channel first in the chain, so you can first clip the signal and then give em the right amount of volume and headroom using the "Sing" channel. Other cool setup is to switch off the clipping of the "Drive channel"( via internal dip two switches) and put the "Sing" channel first on the line- this way you first shape your tone with the Dumble SSS simulation and then give it a little edge with the "Drive" channel, but with a headroom unmatched with nothing else (exept true tube amp). This is what we call - Dumble ODS settings( with both clipping options turned off) This pedal gives you so many ways to shape you tone. You can use the high cut of the "Drive" channel together with the contour of the "Sing" channel ( witch shapes the mid frequencies of your guitar) to nail almoust every tone you like . Also you have two clipping options for the Drive channel selectab using two dip switches inside the pedal( you have to open the back plate) As you can see this is very versatile effect pedal, witch gives you all the tools in your hands to bring your tone online , no matter what guitar or amp youre using. Were proud to call this pedal channel strip and you can find out why if you try it!https://www.mojogearguitarfx.com/_files/ugd/5b17ba_450acda3622b435984efda5c354ffd54.pdf