メーカー名:ツアラテック / TOURATECH(ツラーテック)商品名:ZEGA-PRO トップケース25L ラピッドトラップ付メーカー品番:tt_01-050-0670-0JANコード:4573209233372商品の保証は、メーカー保証書の内容に準じます。備考ブラックアルマイト仕様につきまして ブラックアルマイト仕様につきましては、国際輸送時の振動等により表面のブラックアルマイト部分に微細キズが付いてしまう恐れがあります。 実用上は全く問題ありませんがこれらの外観上の問題については免責(保証対象外)とさせて頂きますので予めご了承下さい。Our accumulated expertise from several hundred thousand ZEGA cases and countless miles around the world has gone into the development and production of the new ZEGA PRO case.Shapely, sturdy and state-of-the-art, this case meets every requirement. Made from 1.5 mm sheet aluminium at our factory in Niedereschach/Germany, the case is waterproof, dustproof and extremely tough. The heavy duty protective plastic strips on the corners and bottom edge are bolted on - which means they can be replaced if necessary. The catches on the cases are designed as hinges, and locks can be fitted to them.You can find suitable case systems under the respective motorbike models.All the benefits of the ZEGA PRO panniers have also been incorporated into the development of the matching Topcases.Two anodised variants of the ZEGA PRO panniers and Topcases are also available. The anodised version doesnt just look impressively good in natural or black aluminium - the extra thick and hard anodised layer also prevents aluminium rubbing off inside the case and protects the surface against discolouration.RAPID TRAP Just quickly take off the Zega case without opening the lid - no longer a problem with the RAPID TRAP adapter ! With the new RAPID TRAP technology from Touratech, you can remove the whole pannier quickly and easily without having to open it. Unlock it, turn it, take it off! Attaching the pannier is even more user-friendly: Put it in place, click it, done! In order to fit the Zega Pro Topcase with Rapid-Trap system, you need the specific Zega Pro Topcase luggage rack for your bike. (You will find these under “pannier racks” in the section for your motorbike.).Length: 31,5 cmWidth: 40,0 cm Height:18,0 cm01-050-0670-0※ZEGA-PRO トップケースには以下の鍵が必要になります。01-050-0870-0:ZEGA-PRO トップケース用 インテグラルロック01-050-0871-0:ラピッドトラップ用インテグラルロック写真注意※画像はイメージです。